Thursday, August 4, 2011


Yes, I saw Ke$ha in concert. It was one of the only times that it was EXACTLY what I thought it was going to be like. Inappropriate and upbeat. Can those two go together? The concert itself wasn't anything to really talk about. Ke$ha sang her (seemed like three) songs and then ran off the stage with all her groupies. Her show was trashy, like her outfits. Can't say much was put into the set of her stage. Odd lights that didn't really match up well, and of course, glitterfest.

The most disappointing part was seeing all these young girls...with their MOM's! It takes "teenie-bopper" to a whole different level. When I was that age (pretty sure they were all 10), I was looking all googly-eyed at the Backstreet Boys. Sure, their songs aren't necessarily for the young at heart, but at least they had clean songs. It was even hard for me to listen to the "I mother f#$$$ love AUSTIN!" We get it Ke$ha. You have a small vocab.

I made up my mind: I don't want to have daughters. But hey, maybe by that time, there will actually be good role models out there? Eh, probably not.