Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tangerine Tangents

Grocery shopping. I think I might have mentioned the fact that it repulses me. Which is odd, because I love food. But when you head into that store filled to the brim with aisles and aisles of combination of food you have never even heard of, it gets a little overwhelming. This is why man created lists. Sadly, I have contracted a disease in which it makes me immune to lists. I will have one and either 1. Forget it at home, leaving me to fend for myself and rely on my brain to remember what I needed (not wanted). 2. Ignore the list completely and go based off of what looks good/is cheap. 3. Use the list as a guideline but in the end I usually forget something on it. So, as you can see, lists usually do me no good. They look great on paper, but my purse usually swallows it up. I am truly impressed with those people who use lists as their life guide. I look at it like a TV guide, one that is good in theory, but honestly how many times do you usually look at it! (The paper version, not the *guide button you can press on your fancy satellite TV. Did I mention I don’t even own a TV? Another story for another time.)

Too many tangents. Back on topic: grocery shopping. What got me going on this rant was the cereal that I ate this morning. I don’t really recall the name of it, and if I wasn’t too lazy to get up from my couch and look at the stupid box, then I would be able to add it in there. But who really bases their choice of cereal based on name? You base it on how good the picture of the fake depiction of the cereal looks, splashy milk and all and/or the bright colors and cartoons that take up the entire box. When I was little I used to look for the fun games on the back so I could have something to do while shoving this gross breakfast food down my throat.

I have never been one to LOVE cereal. My sister would only eat it dry, I take mine with a “splash” of milk and some drown the whole thing and slurp down the sugary goodness later (which appalls me). I look at cereal as a fill-in. It’s the other option to support my lazy habits when I don’t feel like making any food that resembles a well-balanced meal. Instead, you go cereal. The more I write about cereal, the more I hate it. Maybe this blog was a bad idea?

Keeping this absurd theme going…eh, never mind. I was going to just write a few sentences on my disappointment of the cereal I ate this morning, but obviously my real feelings go way deeper than that.

I had my first "spinning" class today at the gym. Being the new kid never has it's perks. The bikes were the kind that you have to literally pick up and move to a position on the floor in order to get started. I looked at it for a second and tried to heave it into place...and then I noticed the wheels. Somewhere, out there, I am a subject on a text message that talks about the weird girl at the gym who couldn't move the bike. Honestly, it was humiliating. Why can't someone just yell: "HEY, GIRL! THIS IS HOW IT'S DONE!" I won't be offended, I promise. A little direction from a stranger never hurt anyone...right? But of course, no one could offer my their expert advice.

As we finally got in place, the instructor gets her music set up and then turns off the lights. I was slightly confused by this and still don't really know the purpose behind it all. Sure, the group running on treadmills behind the glass would be able to see our sweaty behinds...okay, maybe it does make sense. We pedaled away into the darkness, doing intervals that I never dreamed of conducting on my own. The power of peer pressure. Is that really what keeps us going? The thought process for pushing your body into painful workouts is, to say the least, interesting.

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