Thursday, July 2, 2009


Today was just another long, sun-intensive day at the pool. As I threw on my "invisible sunglasses" today, I sat back to watch another set of stories unfold.

The teenie-boopers gathered in their tight groups. Girls flinging their hair frequently while flashing their newly straightened teeth. The high-pitched squeals were getting to me. The skateboarders (12 and unders) were sporting their skinny jeans and swishy hair. Gross. One small boy stuck out amongst the crowd. He seemed to be mature for his age or his growth has been stunted, severely. An older group of pot heads walked over to young kids and started talking about their trip into the woods and how the smoke pot. The small boy answered swiftly, "Dude, you smoke weed? Dude, so do I!" I was waiting for the laughter, but none followed. Soon he was spotted picking up his lime green skate board and sail down the paved parking lot with his new "friends". The girls were left with the boy in skinny jeans and a squeaky voice, that hopefully will be healed with time. Yes, this all just happened while I sat quietly on that magnificent stand armed with my red foam tube that I was tempted to use as a "get your head right kid" weapon. No such luck.

This is my beautiful scenery.

Tomorrow will be another all-day shift and I am preparing for my rain dance. I have one. It involves a soap bar, turtle and indian music. It has never failed me.

I am looking forward to blowing some stuff up on the fourth. Boom, Boom, Pow.

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