Friday, July 17, 2009


It has been a weird week. From rainy days, to pool parties in a tundra to a interview that could potentially lead to something better than working at pools. Just thought about that though. What if I do get the job? Then my stories about the pool will cease to be! Well there goes the blog idea...oh well. I will continue with stories from a different crypt.

I started my week in a bathroom. Yes, a bathroom. An air conditioned one at that. It is the only dry place at the kidney-sized pool and is considered a nice shelter from the thunderstorms above. I can't say that I didn't bring the storm on my ferocious rain dance (which obviously worked) and then I enjoyed my time sewing for a good straight 8 hours. Not many people say they get paid to sew, at a pool, receiving one heck of a horrendous tan line.

The funny thing about this pool is their odd choice of decor. When I think of a pool I think of the obvious chain link fence, lawn chairs and a red lifeguard tube. This "council" decided that they wanted to spruce things up a bit.

No caption needed. They are there.

The Emergency phone in the women's restroom. Even the EMT was weirded out by this.

The bathroom decor courtesy of stick-on fish and sea horses. Always makes me smile.

My view from inside my bathroom post. Check out the decorations zip tied to the fence.
I do feel like I have plenty of stories to share, but due to the face that I have been working from 1pm to 12am, I think I deserve a break. More to come...of course.

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